Unit 7 - The production of the container.

Unit 7 - Production of the Container

The production of the container took place in Rebeca's lessons where we were all asserted to take on a role as production for our show. I chose to do sound as I had lot of ideas through music. The type of music I had decided to choose were cultural and not modern such as Turkish/Albanian music, African music and other cultural music depending on the destination in the play. I went through many traditional music videos on YouTube and decided on the tune that I felt spiritually. Choosing the music was not difficult to me at all as I am Albanian and have a lot of Turkish culture in my family due to history.

I firstly experimented with Turkish/Albanian culture as I was more comfortable with trying to choose an instrument that suited every transition between scenes mood in the play from depressing, excitement or spiritual. For my character (Jamal) I chose a old classical ottoman flute that seemed to hit me in a spiritual way and a very calm manner where Jamal can sit there and think about his family.  I chose an Albanian traditional folk music to represent the Balkans as I believe Albanians have the biggest impact on every culture around the Balkans and it was also what I was more familiar with.

Turkish : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0xQDCfY8TI&t=333s
Albanian : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkh_50VbRK4&t=831s

When I took on the role of finding African cultural music I found it hard to decide on a music as I personally could not relate. I solved this problem through reading Fatima's lines and trying to study the character a little bit so I can understand what she is going through and what emotions she brings to the table. When studying the character I came to the realisation that she Is depressed and worried but she seemed to have this fight for freedom in her which was a big help on deciding . I went on YouTube and searched traditional Somalian music and came up with this amazing video where the music was up beat and suited very well.

Somalian : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCMQjSVkcGM


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