Unit 8 - Personal project and presentation.

Unit 8 - Personal projection and presentation

Throughout my year in this course I came to understand that I have much potential to become a professional actor in the future and this is because of my contribution towards the units and my class mates. In most of the units I found myself taking the role of the leader quite often without actually acknowledging it at times which have made me had a great experience and allowed me to get my points across and create some characters and pieces on how I personally see it as an actor. In the beginning of the course I was in conflict about whether I should take this route In life as a student or should I move to another course where I know that it is secure. I was in conflict as I know that an acting career is like a gamble In life as there are thousands wanting to be a professional and seek for fame and wealth but only some make it.

I have this mindset about this career that the people who only seek fame and money will get no where due to their product not being up to date and strong enough. This drives me forward in my acting as I know that if I have my acting on point (The product) then money and fame will come along when its time but the main purpose is to do what you love. After I fully decided that this is the route I was going to take I quickly got on track and was looking for any way to improve my acting.

There are many things at this stage that I believe need improving such as my articulation, fitness, facial expression, gestures and eyesight. My articulation is a concern whenever I'm putting an accent as sometimes I speed up and some people to do not understand. To improve my articulation skills I have increased on the amount that I read trying to pronounce my words out loud and clearly as possible. Fitness has always been a big part in my life as I take part in sports such as basketball, boxing and a little bit of football. To improve fitness I have started Mix Martial arts where I learn all sorts of techniques to defend myself and to improve my health.

In rehearsals me and my partner would do this exercise where would shout random emotions and quickly come up with facial expressions to act out regarding that chosen emotion. I feel like this has improved my facial expressions throughout the year allowing me to transition between scenes smoothly and expressing my character to the fullest.


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