Unit 4 - Clash of the Concerts

Unit 4 Rebecca's class on creating a stage.

I started Unit 4 by being in a group of Rebecca's choice. Rebecca explained that we would be designing a stage/concert for a artist of our choice where we can also choose the location, theme etc. My group and myself had a lot of ideas for the type of concert we wanted to do but it was all a matter of choosing the artist. Everyone had their own preferences about what artist we should've attempted to do so we wrote all of them in bits of paper and put them into a hat. I put my hand in the hat to choose an artist and luckily the group landed with Eminem. I believed Eminem was a really good choice to do as he has a lot of concerts that have taken place in his time that have left unforgettable memories to Hip Hop as a genre overall.

After we finally came to an understanding on what artist to choose, Rebecca gave us the instruction to create a teaser poster for our chosen artist. We attempted this by choosing several images of Eminem from a laptop to understand what type of style Eminem lets off to the world and creating our own poster individually. I installed an app on my phone and took two pictures combing them together and fading it creating this amazing bold image.

After my group and I made teaser posters we had to decide where to base the concert in. I gave them the choice in where the destination wanted to be and they agreed on Kosovo due to my poster and the increase in music festivals there. 

2 weeks later me and my group began to design a stage made out of cardboard getting only the layer bit done but unfortunately due to time management this project was left unfinished and abandoned.


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