
Showing posts from June, 2019

Unit 8 - Personal project and presentation.

Unit 8 - Personal projection and presentation Throughout my year in this course I came to understand that I have much potential to become a professional actor in the future and this is because of my contribution towards the units and my class mates. In most of the units I found myself taking the role of the leader quite often without actually acknowledging it at times which have made me had a great experience and allowed me to get my points across and create some characters and pieces on how I personally see it as an actor. In the beginning of the course I was in conflict about whether I should take this route In life as a student or should I move to another course where I know that it is secure. I was in conflict as I know that an acting career is like a gamble In life as there are thousands wanting to be a professional and seek for fame and wealth but only some make it. I have this mindset about this career that the people who only seek fame and money will get no where due to the

Unit 4 - Clash of the Concerts

Unit 4 Rebecca's class on creating a stage. I started Unit 4 by being in a group of Rebecca's choice. Rebecca explained that we would be designing a stage/concert for a artist of our choice where we can also choose the location, theme etc. My group and myself had a lot of ideas for the type of concert we wanted to do but it was all a matter of choosing the artist. Everyone had their own preferences about what artist we should've attempted to do so we wrote all of them in bits of paper and put them into a hat. I put my hand in the hat to choose an artist and luckily the group landed with Eminem. I believed Eminem was a really good choice to do as he has a lot of concerts that have taken place in his time that have left unforgettable memories to Hip Hop as a genre overall. After we finally came to an understanding on what artist to choose, Rebecca gave us the instruction to create a teaser poster for our chosen artist. We attempted this by choosing several images of Emine

Unit 1 - Introduction/Identity and Unit 2 - introduction to production

Rob's Performing Arts Lessons and my personal development - UNIT 1 The first lesson I had with rob was a simple introduction which started with a warm up of me placing an imaginative chewing gum in my mouth and chewing while also exaggerating the action. This helped me be comfortable with my class mates which I believe is the first step of our healthy relationship as a whole class. After the warm up we all made a circle and gave our definition of "Identity" and intoduced our selfs. This gave me an opportunity to get to know the people I'm going to be working with as team work is a huge importance in drama to me and also gave me a chance to tell my team some things about me. Overall I enjoyed my first lesson as it was really basic and improved my confidence. After getting to know the class we had a go at devising pieces about identity. The following couple of lessons were also really basic as they would start with a quick warm up of the splat game or a imaginative

Unit 9 - UBU ROI

Unit 9 - Ubu Roi Context Ubu Roi is a play written by Alfred Jarry and it was first performed in Paris at the theatre de l'OEuvre which caused a riotous response in the audience as it opened and closed on December 10, 1896. It is considered as a wild and wacky play in which the audience cannot take serious. It is a parody of William Shakespeare's Macbeth and shows the portrayal of Pa Ubu (Macbeth) in a comedy and humours attitude. In the beginning of the project Shenagh introduced us to the script of ubu roi and I immediately found my self really enjoying the script as I saw the play as a way of expanding my acting through taking on the main role as Pa Ubu himself which allowed me to pull off ridiculous acts with no limits. My first time reading the lines on the script was a little difficult as I was unfamiliar with the type of language that the play used. Words and phrases like "shikt" or "stagger me sideways" seemed weird and off putting at tim

Unit 3 - Silent movie and the Dumb waiter

Unit 3 - Dumb Waiter and silent movie. Dumb Waiter My first lesson with Rob after the October half term was on Dumb waiter. Rob started us off with a quick warm up on tongue twisters so we can improve our vocal skills. After the warm up the class had to get into  pairs and we were given the script to learn. My group was a group of 3 containing myself, Kechy and Kaliyah. The script had only two characters (Ben and Gus) therefore we discussed on roles and we decided that I should take on a whole role as Ben and Kechy and Kaliyah to share roles as Gus. I wanted to take both roles as Ben as i thought it would be a challenge for me to boost my confidence and flexibility on performing. When I left college that following day i went home and did some reaserch on my part as Ben and took notes on the video performance of the Dumb waiter. From the video I inherited the white British accent and the emotion of Ben in the first scene. The Dumb waiter is about two hitman that are doing a job

Unit 6 - The container/Performances

 Unit 6 - The container/Performance During the planning stage of my character I found out that Jamal was Turkish/Kurdish which automatically registered in my brain that he needs an accent. When I was experimenting with accents I found my self disappointed as I felt that the accents I was choosing were really passive and giddy which was the complete opposite of what my intentions were. My intention for Jamal were that he needed an accent that sounded slick and a little charming but very accusative and dangerous as well. I found the right accent when I was siting at home and watching random movie clips online and I suddenly clicked on a clip from the movie undisputed 3 and quickly got drawn to Scott Adkins portrayal of Yuri Boyka. The facial expressions and the tone of the accent were both on point which made me really want to involve his style of acting into my performance. Scott Adkins portrayal of Yuri Boyaka was intentionally Russian but I added a slight twist

Unit 5 - Immigration research

Unit 5 - Immigration Research In the beginning of Unit 5 Shegnah introduced us to a play called The Container that was written by a play writer called Clare Bayley. The container tells a story about a group of asylum seekers being smuggled in across Europe inside a shipping container, seeking refuge in England. I took a personal interest to this play as I have many family members who are immigrants across England, Germany, Italy and Sweden and have went through chaos to pursue a better life and a better way of living for their children and themselves. My research on the topic of immigration began with hearing the stories of immigration experience first hand from a class mate and family members having a neutral conversations with them about their experiences. During the various conversations I had between family and friends the topic of pain seemed to come up a lot whether it was physical or phycological and I had this idea in my head about my character being in pain all the time bu

Unit 7 - The production of the container.

Unit 7 - Production of the Container The production of the container took place in Rebeca's lessons where we were all asserted to take on a role as production for our show. I chose to do sound as I had lot of ideas through music. The type of music I had decided to choose were cultural and not modern such as Turkish/Albanian music, African music and other cultural music depending on the destination in the play. I went through many traditional music videos on YouTube and decided on the tune that I felt spiritually. Choosing the music was not difficult to me at all as I am Albanian and have a lot of Turkish culture in my family due to history. I firstly experimented with Turkish/Albanian culture as I was more comfortable with trying to choose an instrument that suited every transition between scenes mood in the play from depressing, excitement or spiritual. For my character (Jamal) I chose a old classical ottoman flute that seemed to hit me in a spiritual way and a very calm m